Issue in return html in frappe

With this code, I want to return another HTML page, but I don’t get any results.

  html_content = render_template('www/register.html', {})
  return html_content


Hi @Priyank_Suthar,

I don’t know, but I’ll share the link for you to check.

I hope this helps.

Thank You!

Hi @NCP,

Using this, I received a json response, but I want a html response


Please try it.

    return frappe.respond_as_web_page(
        _("Your Page Title"),


Thank You!

Hi @NCP,

It gives me this Html response when I try it,

you mentioned that we need a response in HTML. I’ve already given a reference to the HTML response, so the issue is resolved.


I Just passed registration form html content then output will be only registration form content but get frappe response


hi @NCP

have you checked?


I don’t know much about this problem, but you might want to take a look at the base code of frappe or erpnext. It could be useful for you.