I created a serialized item with 2 UOM. Sack as default and for purchasing and Kg for selling. This is the conversion method.
Now in stock ledger after making a PO of 10 sacks (500 kilos @50kilos each sack), the amount reflects correctly. Then i add a Sales Invoice selling 10kg. Here is the screenshot of my ledger.
Notice that the Balance qty in KG is zero? This is for Sack, also zero.
This is the stock summary. No Brown rice when in fact I purchased 10 and 20 sacks and only dispatches 10 and 20 kilos respectively.
If I use the other way around as default UOM, Kg as my main UOM and sack as the second one, and I repeat the process, This stock ledger is displaying properly.
I cannot use the second one since it is a serialised product. If I use it then i end up with individual serial number for each kilo and I want the serial to be created first for the sack for traceability purposes.
Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.