Issue with adding item via barcode

I have been playing items with the barcode a few days ago … its working fine from the POS page … but when I try to add an item to the material request by scanning a barcode its not working properly and adding the wrong item to the list. I don’t know if it is the normal behaviour but I think managing large inventory it should perform like adding the item like in POS for the material request, purchase order etc.
ERPNext: v7.1.20
Frappe Framework: v7.1.21
Production Server

Currently we are at ERPNext: v7.2.30.
I would suggest please update first and if still the problem persists, please let us know.

ok updated to
ERPNext: v7.2.30
Frappe Framework: v7.2.30

but same issue

@KanchanChauhan you havent replied after i update the post

It is not a mandatory to answer! it is a free, voluntary and open community; people will answer when possible.

If you are in an hurry, just post a job or buy support.


@JoEz I don’t know what to say to you. A lot of good Softwares what we see nowadays are made possible with the help community. Apart from that, you should appreciate community members who bought issues to the developers which I think should be considered a great contribution and you ask them to buy the support is looking so silly to me.

I think silly is to pretend support immediately from a voluntary community …keep calm and wait for someone to help you …

If you are not happy with that, you could choose another good software nowadays … :wink:

replied to the moderator comment 8 to 9 days ago and i guess thats is enough time for some body to expect an answer and thats not the excuse for asking the community for money rather than you should have focus on finding an answer.