Issue with Jinja Printing

Helloo Community!!

Does anyone know how to iterate over the entire doctype ??

Explore what you want, then if someone knows, they will answer you.

{% set parent1 = none %}
{% set parent2 = none %}

{% set documents = frappe.get_all('Purchase Receipt Item', filters={}, fields=['name', 'docstatus', 'item_code', 'received_qty', 'qty', 'purchase_order', 'purchase_order_item', 'parent'], order_by="parent DESC") %}
{% set order_counts = {} %}

{% for pri in documents %}
  {% set purchase_order = pri.purchase_order %}
  {% set parent = pri.parent %}
  {% if purchase_order not in order_counts %}
    {% set _ = order_counts.update({purchase_order: []}) %}
  {% endif %}
  {% if parent not in order_counts[purchase_order] %}
    {% set _ = order_counts[purchase_order].append(parent) %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

<h2>Count of Unique Parents per Purchase Order:</h2>
  {% for order, parents in order_counts.items() %}
      {{ order }}: {{ parents|length }}
      {% if parents|length == 2 %}
          {% set sorted_parents = parents|sort %}
          {% set parent1 = sorted_parents[0] %}
          {% set parent2 = sorted_parents[1] %}
          <li>First Parent: {{ parent1 }}</li>
          <li>Second Parent: {{ parent2 }}</li>
      {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

<p>parent1: {{ parent1 }}</p>
<p>parent2: {{ parent2 }}</p>

This is my code. I need to update the parent1 and parent2 values inside the loop and i need them outside the loop…

But iam getting parent1 and parent2 values in inside the loop, but outside the loop iam getting none. That means values are not updated correctly.
I need some help to update the values correctly…

i have been the same issue so i solve it by add custom field and hidden it then via client script i did the calculate then in the print just received the value

@manal_erpnext ,We can do like that but in my case, after printing that value i need to set that value to “0” again.

okey you can reset it after event print in js or set 0 when the doc refresh


frappe.ui.form.on('Doctype Name', {
	refresh(frm) {
        frm.set_value('Custom Field Name',0);
    	frm.refresh_field('Custom Field Name');

Please check Jinja2 namespaces

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@Yamen_Zakhour Thank you.

@Kiranmai marked it as solution