Issue with "mailto" tag in email alert

Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone could help me here.

I am creating an email alert for sale order with part of the message being:

We appreciate your business and should you get any further queries, don't hesitate to call / whatsapp us at +260 xxx xxx xxx or send us a mail.

No problem with the message sending, except for the mailto tag.

For some reason, when one receive the email and one try to click on the “send us a mail”, it links to

Obviously this is wrong and lead to a wrong page to our erpnext website.

So my question is how can I create a link to mail into the message of my mail alert without the “” to start with.


For some reason, frappe is making any link in the message body preceded by “

It can work in most cases but not in this one with the mailto tag.


Did you manage to find a workaround for this issue?.
