Issues with sending rawmaterial directly from vendor to subcontractor

Good day to all!!

Following are the steps followed for a subcontract where vendor sends rawmaterial directly to subcontractor

  1. raise PO to vendor for rawmaterial - ‘Set Target Warehouse’ as ‘Subcontractor Warehouse’
  2. receive material in ‘Subcontractor Warehouse’ with a PR
  3. raise PO to Subcontractor for Item to be received with rawmaterial to be supplied
  4. skip (Transfer->Material to Supplier) as rawmaterial has been transferred in step2.
  5. PR for Item to be received.

However in StockLedger entries, the rawmaterial remains in ‘Subcontractor Warehouse’ and valuation of received item doesnt include rawmaterial price.

Pls guide how to handle this scenario in erpnext.
