"Item" DocType Categories not found

This actually happened over night!

When I open the “Item” I got the error message DocType Categories not found.
Here’s the screenshot:

I try to go to Doctype “Item” and re-save it. I can open the Item module but the page reload every time when I enter the individual item.
Here’s the screenshot:

Any help please?
Thank you

Not sure what happened but you could go into developer mode, add the fields and then go back to normal mode. Obviously, take a backup before proceeding!

Go into you directory ERPNext is installed then to /sites/sitename/

Edit site_config.json and add the following line below db_password. Copy exactly including the ".

“developer_mode”: 1

You may need to restart bench (bench restart).

Once you have added the field, make sure you remove the developer mode line.
