Item ID (top left of form) stays orange after saving

Item forms sometimes open up with the item code in orange and sometimes they are in black.
In addition saving does not return the colour to black in cases when the item opened up in orange.

This behaviour is not seen with other master records.

Is there an explanation for this?

Please send browser’s console snapshot.

Shraddha Ranjane
New Indictrans Technology PVT LTD.

will get back shortly with console image both for chrome and firefox


This is to the text editor - its been fixed in v5

@rmehta thanks for the update.
BTW, will subscription instances of ERPNext in frappecloud be upgraded to V5 or is a migration required?

Frappecloud instances will be migrated automatically - but it will be slow (a few accounts a day) and will be a couple of weeks till all the accounts are migrated. This is just to ensure smooth transition.