Item Name coming twice in Bill of Material

Hi All,

I noticed that in BOM and BOM Item, Item Name is coming twice as shown in below screenshot.

May anyone can let me know how to overcome this?

Ruchin Sharma

For now you can just hide the Item Name field /column.

Hi @nabinhait
That I already know but I want the Item Code and Item Name separately.

Ruchin Sharma

Hello Ruchin,

Do you mean that in the Item Code field, Item Name is fetching as well? I just checked and found it working in my test account.

Yes, I have shared the screenshot as well and I am running the latest version of ERPNext.

What could be the issue in this case?

Ruchin Sharma

To get only Item Code in the link field, you have write some custom script in onload function.

frappe.ui.form.on("BOM", "onload", function(frm) {
	frappe.form.link_formatters['Item'] = function(value, doc) {
		return value;


I tried it but it is giving me an error.

Ruchin Sharma

Updated the above code, please try again.


Hi Nabin,

It worked for me thanks a lot!

Ruchin Sharma