Good day all
Trust you are all having a rest !
V13.42.5 (latest)
Item-eva is a purchased item which is used in BOM-4
The output of BOM-4 is used in other BOMS ( multi-level BOM), but I don;t think it is
required for me to go into that detail as it seems that the problem is around
item-eva / BOM-4
Item-eva was purchased and I can trace the Stock-Ledger Entry together with its
BOM-4 however, lists a zero valuation in the Material table. I can also log on to the backend
and look at the tables : tabBin , tabStock Ledger Entry and both contain correct valuation
And yet, when I do an “Update Cost” on BOM-4 it reports that i could not find a valuation
entry for Item-eva.
It does update BOM-4 correctly when I manually set a Valuation rate in the Item-master for
My understanding was that, if the valuation rate is not set in the Item-master, it will take
the valuation rate in the Stock Ledger Entry table. So it really shouldn’t be necesary for me
to set the valuation rate in the item-master ???
If someone could perhaps offer some guidance on the matter . it would be appreciated.