We are solutions and service company and many of our items in the quotation won’t have item code. The easiest solution was to create an item common for this (e.g Item with code ‘NA’ and description ‘Item without Code’). Each time when we use this item, we change the description according to our need.
The item is shown in the item table as ‘item code: item name’. In our example ‘NA: Item without code’. We would like to display this as ‘Item code: Item description’. In this way, if we have more than one NA item, it would be easier to understand the items. Now to check the quotation, we need to print which will display it correctly.
Search for Customize Form in the Search Bar on the top right
then Choose Item Form
you will see there is a field Title field which by default refers to the database field item_name
I am not 100% sure how exactly to proceed from here but I think it is something like
creating a new custom field like item_title or so.
teaching that field to be populated by database fields item_code & description
putting item_title in the Title field on your Item form
I am sure there are topics in the forum which describe this procedure (or what exactly to put where) more elaborated. Hope this gives you an idea what to further look for
Edit: apart from that why don’t you just use the item_name instead of the description (as it’s meant to be if I might add)? I’d say that’s the much more straight forward approach without diving into customization. Of course you would make a new item for each case.
Below is the quotation item table with two items with code NA. There is no way we could understand what is the actual item. We have edited the description of each item according to the actual item.
It would be more logical to display the description in the quotation item form. Many times it would be required to provide additional information than the item name. For this, we could easily edit the description of the item. By default, the item and and item description are the same.
Found a solution to this.
Create a custom field and set the value of it as ‘item code : description’ of the current form using custom script. Could some one help for the custom script?