Items auto select last warehouse and/or inventory dimension

I have an list item for about 20000 items and I cannot set a Putaway rule for each of those.

I’ll like to know if there is a setting or a flow for something like this:

1 - initial stock entry on Purchase order
2 - Purchase order => Purchase Invoice into the Transit Warehouse
3 - Stock Entry from Purchase Order and manually alocate for each entry item the right location (warehouse, inventory dimension)

Now, after let’s say, 4 months a new entry will be made
1 - Purchase order
2 - Purchase order => Purchase invoice
3 - Stock entry - HERE - I need that when I scan a item to automatically select the last warehouse and/or inventory dimension.

How can I do that?


You can have a small Server Script auto create a Putaway Rule on first receipt of an item. :thinking:

Thanks @rmeyer

Do you have such script or do you know where to get it?
What should trigger the script?

Many Thanks

I don’t have this script ready, but it should probably get triggered by a new Stock Ledger Entry. Then you can check if the Putaway Rule is already available and, if not, create it.

Thanks @rmeyer

I have try to play with the putaway rule and it’s not working as it should.

The steps i did for one item:

  • I have created a new docType: WarehouseLocation
  • I have created a new Inventory Dimension: Item Location
  • I set the Item location to 2 entries 001 and 001 (for testing)
  • I have created a new putway rule for an item and set
    – Warehouse: MainWarehouse
    – Inventory Dimension: 002

I have created an stock entry to test, I have added the item and checked the “Apply putway rules” and it was applied, but wrong: warehouse was applied ok, but no Inventory Dimension.

I have tried several times and no working. I guess dynamic option of inventory Dimension is not automated completed, right? Or is there any other way?
