I've created an app for help requests in earth quake zone

Turkey hit by 2 earth quakes and hundreds aftershocks. The demolition zone is unfortunately huge. 2-3 cities seem completely down, 10 cities are affected badly and we still couldn’t have reached the towns and villages.

We created a small help request app. I hope it will be a just starting point for something.

It just have a doctype, a web form and a listing page.

Website: https://deprem.logedo.com/
Yardim Talepleri


@TurkerTunali Well done, and best wishes.

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Thank you. It is really hard to keep it going nowadays. It hit around worst time of the day, worst days of the winter and the second earth quake hit the rescue teams and remaining buildings. The affected zone is about 500 km diameter and around 200.000 lives are at stake. And the government bans the Twitter and social media which is only source for help requests :slight_smile: At least we have Frappe to develop apps quickly. I am trying to reach the authorities for the app.

Best wishes to all.