Jira Integration with ERPNext

Hi Community!
I want to know can we integrate ERPNext with Jira Software.

A help will be Appreciated.

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What’s the end goal with Jira integration? What are the specific objects you’re looking to sync or automate with this?

Frappe can integrate with any external tool using REST APIs.

Since Jira supports the same you can technically integrate the two platforms:



Thanks for your response.Actually i am working on A employee Performance management system task.
As the employee are already on erpnext and now we want to manage their performance based on the task assigned on jira platform.
Currently i managed to do so by taking export in csv files from jira but now i want to integrate directly with jira to get the task assigned to employee and the current status of the task.

I think you should create a webhook endpoint in ERPNext that can be triggered from Jira. If you only need information related to issues and status, this approach should suffice. However, if you are looking for a tightly integrated solution, this may not be the best option.


am i creating the webhook the right way?

I think you need to create API function in ERPNext side and call that from jira

Check out Jira Integration for ERPNext, it’s an app that pulls work logs from Jira and creates timesheets. Maybe this helps you.


Lately, we have switched to GitHub - alyf-de/working_time which logs time in ERPNext and only fetches issue titles from Jira, for auto-filling the time log description.


Does your new app work with erpnext v15 @rmeyer?

Probably yes, but I didn’t try yet