A very common scenario is that tansportation expenses are distributed based on CBM.
How to account for that?
I have devised following plan:
Add fields: length, width, height, cbm, tcbm to all relevent documents like item, purchase order, purchase recipt, purchase invoice, sales docs etc.
write a script to take into account tcbm and distribute the expenses.
Any ideas / suggesions?
Does already such a modul exists?
Also how can we reflect following scenario:
- We have induvidual products
- They can be put into cartons
- Cartons can be s, m & L like 30 pcs, 60 pcs & 120 pcs
- we can use UOM in item document to define item & cartons
- Can we attach dimensions to cartons to calculate cbm
- Can we use this cbm to calculate distribution of shipping and other costs to product purchased.
- can we use a combination of cbm and weight to distribute shipping costs?
Thank you for suggesions