Latest ZTKeco Machines Series V5L has Integration issues

Not able to Integrate Frappe / ERPNext with latest ZTKeco (series V5L).

Zkconnect() function is timing out

i think that Zkconnect() not support new devices like series V5L
you have to integrate with biotime software below will found the api Doc , the biotime will collect the logs form all devices for you

[](https://API Docs)

Thank you Hossam,

The link is very helpful.

Tried Postman API calls for Login (Auth Token), get Employees and Get Transaction and was able to retrieve information.

We will Post here once the code changes are done through Python script

Login for Auth Token

are welcome bro i’m using general token you can generate it just for one time manual and then use it with all other apis

	Token = propertyFile.get('bio_token')
	url = propertyFile.get('bio_server_url') + "/iclock/api/transactions/?page=3000&page_size=3000&start_time=" + str(start_time)

	headers = {
		"Content-Type": "application/json",
		"Authorization": "Token " + Token,

	response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)