LDAP integration does not consider the configured group mapping

Hi, I have just found a potential bug in LDAP integration.

LDAP integration does not import the groups as configured in the mapped of module integration, and thus no roles are assigned accordingly.

I tried somehow to view the log to check what is going on in developer mode, but I found nothing useful or related to LDAP in the log.

Could you body help how to debug this? Or maybe fix it?

I can provide access to my ERPNext instance if needed.

Basically I followed this doc to configure LDAP:

Setting up LDAP (frappeframework.com)


(31 May, 2023)

Here are my settings for the LDAP integration:

I tried also with a single exitence of Domain Users, the same, no roles are assigned as mapped here.

Did you ever find a solution to this i have the same issue

Hi! I had the same error. I examined the code and realized that I was incorrectly specifying ldap roles. I advise you to print what you get from ldap and from erp. This should be done in ldap settings in the sync_roles method. This will give you more insight into how role mapping works.