Leave Application Notification not working based on workflow state value change

Hello guys, I have a leave application workflow where officers apply for leave, the directors approve or reject, and finally, go to HR Manager. On the same workflow, the directors can apply for leave and the CEO will approve or reject it.

I have created a notification to send system notifications to the leave approvers and applicants. The employees with the officers role receive notifications when their application gets approved or rejected, but others (department directors, HR manager, and the CEO) do not receive the notification.

Can someone please help me with this?
Thank you.

Here are the screenshots from the leave application workflow and notification settings. I was testing with the department director while I was taking the screenshot

Here are the States I have defined

and here is the transition

The notification for leave application doctype looks like this:


Anyone here?, please support me on this

doc.workflow_state==“Approved” use this condition in condition field
also dont select 2 fileds under recipent either select owner or selecet role choose between one
i will prefer only seelcet role then the notification will be sent once the status is approved

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Thank you so much for replying, I have changed to doc.workflow_state as you suggested and it is working but, all employees are getting a notification when someone’s leave application gets updated.

dont select 2 fileds under recipent either select owner or selecet role

I chose the owner because the owner of the leave application will receive the notification; that’s how I understood it. Am I wrong?
Since the Directors will also apply for leave, I set the owner for when the workflow state changes to approved or rejected.

recepinet select the role you want to send the notification and also for owner you should select in the new row

like this
or like this

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Thanks @Mubasher
I re-created it as you suggested and it is working now,

[OffTopic] Can you please send a link to documentation where I find all properties that can be added to doc such as doc.status, doc.workflow…

well idk if there is such document avalible as i learned these myself

If your Leave Application Notification isn’t triggering based on a workflow state change in your HR technology system, here’s a quick troubleshooting guide:

  1. Check Workflow Rules: Ensure the workflow is correctly configured to trigger notifications when the leave application state changes (e.g., “Approved” or “Rejected”).
  2. Notification Settings: Verify that notifications are enabled for the specific state change in the workflow.
  3. User Permissions: Confirm the user has the necessary permissions to receive notifications.
  4. Email/SMS Configuration: Check if the email or SMS notification system is properly set up and functional.
  5. Logs: Review system logs for errors or failed notification attempts.

If the issue persists, consult your HR Technology documentation or support team for workflow-specific fixes.

Thanks for the tip, but it’s already worked for me