Leave Customize calculation


How to create a leave with the below calculation

25% Unpaid
75% Paid

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Ensure to create a Leave Application with Leave Type as “Leave Without Pay” for 25% of the leaves.

In the Salary Structure, for the components, ensure “Depends on Payment Days” is checked where needed, so that salary amount is recalculated based on leave days.

For the 75% of paid leaves, balance will be deducted from the allocated leaves.


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How to set 25% in Leave Application


Assuming there are 20 annual leaves for example, which means 5 are unpaid and 15 are paid.

The unpaid leave distribution works the same way as paid leaves, the only difference being is that while creating a leave type (unpaid ones), check “Leave without pay” and allocate the leaves to the employees. When the employee will put in a leave application for that leave type, it will be unpaid and hence reflected in salary slip.


Hello Reema
There is misunderstanding for me
What I got now from you is creating two leaves, one 15 days paid, and one 5 days unpaid
But in my case, I need to setup only one choice for leave for the sick leave
Not “sick leave 1”
And “sick leave 2”

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I think there is a misunderstanding. Let me be clear. When you setup your account, there are default leave types created. Screenshot attached:

Let’s say sick leaves, casual leaves and privilege leaves are paid. For unpaid, you can use Leave without pay (that itself is a leave type).


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Let us say 30 days are allocated for sick leave,
Out of 30, 15 days will be paid and 15 will be unpaid.
If employee has finished 10 days and has only 20 days in his account and applies for 10 days of leave. 5 days should be with pay and 5 days should be without pay.
How should it be managed with erp? Any chances?



Currently, there is no system that if you allocate 30 leaves then half are paid and half are unpaid. You can divide the 30 into 2 leave types wherein 15 can be sick leaves (paid) and 15 can be unpaid leaves. Once you consume your paid leaves, he can apply for unpaid ones which will then deduct the pay from salary.

Hope this helps.


if somebody has to apply for 16 days of leave he has to apply for two different leaves, 15 days for 1st application and 1 day for 2nd application.

you have to have 2 leave type Sick Leave with Pay - 15 days
Sick Leave without Pay - 15 days, then the employee has to apply 15 days form paid and 1 seperate application for one day without paid.


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