Letter Head Not working in Employee Promotion

"I created a company and added a letterhead.

After this, I created an employee promotion, but the Employee Promotion doctype had no letterhead field, so I added a letterhead field to this doctype.

However, when I generated the print format, the letterhead was missing."

Also its my custom print formt and i added a condition in the first line of the print format.

Please help

@PRaful_9898 just add fetch from in custom letter head field

From Which field ???
You mean from custom_company_letter_head field or Default_letter_head field .

I already did this=>

@PRaful_9898 here is link field and in company there is attach field its wrong why are you added custom field in company there is alreay default letter head field in company use that.

Because when I added a letterhead from custom_company_letter_head, a new document is created in the Letter Head doctype with the name of the company, and then this is attached to the default_letter_head_field.

you don’t have to create a new field if you want to use letterhead in print format just code
{{letter_head}} and set your letterhead default