Like operator in Query Reports

I want to use like operator in Query Reports but I am receiving some errors.

it.item_group as “Item Group”,
max(cast(mid(it.item_code,5,6) as unsigned)) as “Reference”,
concat(mid(it.item_group,1,4),lpad(cast(max(cast(mid(it.item_code,5,6) as unsigned)) as char),6,‘0’)) as “Latest Item Code”
from tabItem it
group by it.item_group
where it.item_group not like ‘T%’


it.item_group as “Item Group”,
max(cast(mid(it.item_code,5,6) as unsigned)) as “Reference”,
concat(mid(it.item_group,1,4),lpad(cast(max(cast(mid(it.item_code,5,6) as unsigned)) as char),6,‘0’)) as “Latest Item Code”
from tabItem it
group by it.item_group
where it.item_group not like (‘T%’)


it.item_group as “Item Group”,
max(cast(mid(it.item_code,5,6) as unsigned)) as “Reference”,
concat(mid(it.item_group,1,4),lpad(cast(max(cast(mid(it.item_code,5,6) as unsigned)) as char),6,‘0’)) as “Latest Item Code”
from tabItem it
group by it.item_group
where it.item_group not like T%


it.item_group as “Item Group”,
max(cast(mid(it.item_code,5,6) as unsigned)) as “Reference”,
concat(mid(it.item_group,1,4),lpad(cast(max(cast(mid(it.item_code,5,6) as unsigned)) as char),6,‘0’)) as “Latest Item Code”
from tabItem it
group by it.item_group
where it.item_group not like “T%”

No one is working


it.item_group NOT REGEXP '^T'

You could have better googled it for in mysql forums as this post is not linked to any features of ERPNext or FRAPPE.

I googled it but the solution didn’t work here, I though may be someone has used it before.

Did that given code work for you or not?

No, it didn’t work.

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