Link between Customer and Quality Feedback

Good day all
I am trying this on a slightly older version than my production servers…
13.48.1 before I implement this.

To create a link on the customer doc called “Customer feedback”

This is linked to “Quality feedback” in the Doc links section of Customer…

Link Doctype = Quality Feedback
Link Fieldname = document name (Feedback by)
Group = Customer feedback

When I click on + Customer feedback it takes me to the Quality Feedback doc
but it does not auto-complete the “Feedback By” field on “Quality Feedback”

I suspect its because its a “Dynamic Link”

I tried a few things like , adding a custom field (Customer) on “Quality Feedback” and trying
to auto-load “Feedback By” from the custom field but that doesn’t work either.

Can anyone assist please.

Edit: I have set the default setting of “Type” on “Quality Feedback” to “Customer”


I have made some progress…

I have added a custom script fro Quality Feedback…

frappe.ui.form.on('Quality Feedback', {
	setup(frm) {
		frm.doc.document_name = frm.doc.customer;

So on my “Quality Feedback” I have a custom field called “Customer” which is in the link
definition of the Customer doc. So for the above script to work, I have to make this
custom-field definition.

Is there not perhaps a way to do this script without having to define a custom field
like “Customer” on “Quality Feedback”.

Something like …

frappe.ui.form.on('Quality Feedback', {
	setup(frm) {
		frm.doc.document_name = parent.doc.customer_name;

Would appreciate some assistance