Link preview in calendar view


Anyone tried Frappe Link preview on calendar events on mouseover? We can do jquery popover in calendar events as mentioned in fullcalendar documentation using ‘eventRender’. But the Frappe preview popup is very sleek and can include more information which is present in the document. Any idea how to implement it?

Something like this, (this is photoshopped)

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Any one tried this? Or any clue where to start finding the frappe preview popup?

You may find solution in this thread.

Thanks @Muzzy. Let me have a look at it, though i did not understand on implementing it on the calendar view. I will update here if i get it to work.

You can write a custom script. Search for custom script doctype in awesome bar.


I would be interested in getting the calendar to work. One of my client uses it for appointment booking. Share your current code and I will have one of my developer also to look into it.

The below is my appointment_calendar.js. I also use the scheduler plugin for Fullcalendar for resources.

frappe.views.calendar["Appointments"] = {
    field_map: {
        "start": "start_time",
        "end": "end_time",
        "title": "title",
        "allDay": "allDay",
        "resourceId": "staff",
        "description": "notes",
        "rendering": "rendering"
    gantt: false,
    options: {
        header: {
            left: 'prev, title, next',
            center: 'today',
            right: ' listOneWeek, listOneDay, agendaOneDay, agendaOneWeek'
        views: {
            listOneDay: {
                type: 'list',
                titleFormat: 'ddd, DD MMMM YYYY',
                duration: { days: 1 },
                buttonText: 'Day list',
                noEventsMessage: "No appointments for this date"
            listOneWeek: {
                type: 'list',
                duration: { days: 7 },
                buttonText: 'Week list',
                noEventsMessage: "No appointments for this week"
            agendaOneDay: {
                type: 'agendaDay',
                titleFormat: 'ddd, DD MMMM YYYY',
                duration: { days: 1 },
                buttonText: 'Day',
                slotDuration: "01:00",
                slotLabelInterval: "01:00",
                minTime: "07:00:00",
                maxTime: "22:00:00"
            agendaOneWeek: {
                type: 'agendaDay',
                duration: { days: 7 },
                buttonText: 'Week',
                slotDuration: "01:00:00",
                minTime: "07:00:00",
                maxTime: "22:00:00"
        defaultView: 'agendaOneDay',
        allDaySlot: false,
        slotEventOverlap: false,
        editable: false,
		resources: function(callback) {
                method: "myapp.myapp.doctype.appointments.appointments.get_resources",
                type: "GET",
                callback: function(r) {
                    var resources = r.message || [];
    color_map: {
        "paid_scheduled": "green",
        "paid_open": "purple",
        "paid_complete": "blue",
        "unpaid_scheduled": "red",
        "unpaid_open": "pink",
        "unpaid_complete": "yellow",
        "background": "#b9fff5"
    get_events_method: "myapp.myapp.doctype.appointments.appointments.get_events",
    get_css_class: function(data) {
        if (data.rendering == "background") {
            return "background";
        if (data.payment_status == "Paid" && data.appointment_status == "Scheduled") {
            return "paid_scheduled";
        } else if (data.payment_status == "Paid" && data.appointment_status == "Open") {
            return "paid_open";
        } else if (data.payment_status == "Paid" && data.appointment_status == "Complete") {
            return "paid_complete";
        } else if (data.payment_status == "Not Paid" && data.appointment_status == "Scheduled") {
            return "unpaid_scheduled";
        } else if (data.payment_status == "Not Paid" && data.appointment_status == "Open") {
            return "unpaid_open";
        } else if (data.payment_status == "Not Paid" && data.appointment_status == "Complete") {
            return "unpaid_complete";

Fullcalendar also has features for mouseover events. Let’s see if we can combine that and Frappe mouseover to get the desired result. Check the link below

Event Clicking & Hovering - Docs v3 | FullCalendar

On Tuesday I will ask my developer to check it. Which Frappe version are you using? V12 or V13?

That’s wonderful. Thank you. I’m using v13.

Anybody tried this yet? any solution?