List item in side bar

i want to add Gender, status in side bar. i got one sample below they have done, but i don’t know how they done.
below is example.

they have added Male:: Total and female:: total UNDER Gender. when it click on Male, it show only male.

how to add this…

please help me.

I think you are talking about Tags.

To add a tag, just click on Show tags

Thanks @netchampfaris, we have to tag each and every data. but if there is more then thousand data. i have attached screen short of their.

@bhavikpatel7023, can you help me?.. above my doubt

If you have a custom field of gender in your form, then you can bulk update the values.

After that, you can use the new Saved Filters feature. As you can see in my previous screenshot, you can save a set of Filters and give it a name. It will be populated in the sidebar and on click will apply the filter. You can create two filters for Male and Female.

i don’t have custom field and how to create custom field, how to make filters feature. i m new in erp next