Loading doctype based on value selection

Hi I was working on purchase order screen in ERP Next in which im trying to load a doctype inside it based on field selection for example i have a select field which contains two values top and bottom when i select any one of the if Top in that section itself i need to load the doctype named top in it but im not getting it so could anyone help me with that

Hi @Abai,

Are you talking about the Dynamic Link Fields then please check the documentation.

Otherwise, elaborate on your scenario or share the screenshot and actually what you want. so the community will help you.

Thank You!

In Purchase order doctype im trying to load some custom doctypes(entire doctype) based on values selecting through a select field.
I have values Top and Bottom in the select field and then if i select the value top i have created a custom doctype named top it should appear and similar to bottom also.