Loan Repayment from Salary Broken [v13]

As of V13 beta 9, I noticed that loan repayment from salary is no longer working. all loans carried over from v12 that were being repaid from salary and new loans generated in v13 are not repaid from salary. How do I fix?

I am facing the same issue have you managed to find the solution

Same challange we are also facing

No I haven’t found a solution yet and the problem gets worse. Loans that had been fully repaid have been reactivated with some of the payments now not recognised. These loans are the ones now being debited from payslips. This is a really weird behaviour.

Any Github Issue created for this? If so, pls link here


In ver 13, a loan has to be a term loan, has to be disbursed, and loan interest accrual generated for it to be picked in payroll.

Now, in the previous v13 betas, the loan interest accrual would be generated automatically daily, but that’s not happening in the latest beta. You can use the Process Loan Interest Accrual to generate Loan Interest accruals though.

@glz Thanks for the tip about the source of the issue. Indeed Loan Interest Accruals were not processed for the loans that’s why they were not picked up in payroll. This was not stated in any documentation or changelog so it is definitely a bug which needs to be fixed.


I noticed that Accruals were regenerated for old matured loans and some of the accruals were not marked as paid. Cancelling and amending the document also fixed that issue. This is also a bug that needs to be fixed.


See my response above for solution.

UPDATE: Amending the Loan Accruals for the old matured loans doesn’t solve the problem as running loan interest accruals regenerates the same accruals for the old loans so that problem isn’t solved.

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We also found the same issue of Process Loan Interest Accrual record not created. It does accrue and deduct all past accured loan repayments from the next salary slip, which is undesirable.

As of now, the repayment from salary is not useful anymore, and requires lot of work to be done to make past records work currently. Something changed that triggered this.

@wale Here:

Don’t hold much hope for this though because as i always say none of the bugs i have reported have received any attention. Case in point is salary rounding that has been on for over 2 years without being addressed.

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