How to set attachments to public in a webform? I already have it set for the doctype itself, but how to force attachments to public folder “/files/” instead of private folder “/private/files/”
Any help?
I actually customized the file doctype to create a duplicate file that is set to public and then deleted the private one
(Only triggers on files that are linked to the specific docfield)
if doc.attach_file:
file_docs = frappe.get_all('File', filters={'file_url': doc.attach_file}, fields=['name', 'is_private', 'file_url'])
if file_docs:
file_doc = frappe.get_doc('File', file_docs[0]['name'])
if file_doc.is_private:
new_file_doc = frappe.copy_doc(file_doc)
new_file_doc.is_private = 0
new_file_doc.file_name = f"{}_{new_file_doc.content_hash}.{new_file_doc.file_type.lower()}"
doc.attach_file = new_file_doc.file_url
frappe.log_error("File not found.")
except Exception as e:
frappe.log_error(f"Error handling attachment for {doc}: {str(e)}", "Attachment Handling Exception")