Make specific row readonly in child table

I want to make specific row readonly in the child table. User should not be able to edit any value in that row, also user should not be able to select and remove the row.

@Sandeep_Kakde check this Is there way to make child table field readonly base on condition for particular row


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This script makes the fields read only. Is there a way to restrict the deletion of rows as well?
User can select that row and click on the Delete button to remove that row, I want to restrict this as well.

@Sandeep_Kakde check this How prevent deleting of rows in a Child Table

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This will remove the delete button, I do not want to remove the button. I just want to restrict the deletion of the specific row.
For ex: Let’s say I have a child table with 3 rows. I want to restrict the updation/deletion on only row 2. User should not be able to update the data in row 2 and delete it. But I do not want to restrict the user from updating/deleting the 1st & 3rd row.