Mandatory country code

After an update including a manual database transfer to a clean install, I ended up with some doctypes requiring Country Code.

I uninstalled the FedEx integration for simplicity, is this field an artifact of the Fed Ex Integration or is it a standard field in ErpNext?

Can you share which doctypes are the problem?

Yes, at least Address and Item for now.

Can I also check them from somewhere that is reachable to me?

that problem occurs because of fedex installation so you should go to item and address customize form and reset default that doctype.

you can check that custom field add via fixtures through fedex custom app.

I thought that I was able to get rid of this, but it haunted me back.
I have it in my Sales Order Item DocType.

I unchecked the mandatory checkbox, but I still have newly created Sales orders ask for it:

Do I have to do something after Customizing Docs?

Clearing cache worked! (for future reference)