Thanks for the reply, but that makes no difference.
In (my) theory, making that 100 % over production means you should be able to make twice as many. However I have tried setting it at 200% and still the mximum allowed is the original number
Over Production Allowance Percentage is applicable only in case of Sales Order. It lets you select qty more than ordered in Sales Order in “Qty To Manufacture” field.
Possibly you could use Stock Entry to account for adjustments needed related to Over/Under Production and have a custom field in the Stock Entry which refers to the Production Order for reporting purposes.
Once you are done with the Stock Entry maybe you could mark the production Order as Finished.
Ron: Interesting topic. This assumes that you have transferred raw material for 50 Bolts but because of the nature of the manufacturing process, you may end up with more or less than what was intended to be produced. Are you starting with a BoM?
I agree we need to add this more elegantly, but till we plan a grand upgrade to the manufacturing module would this approach be acceptable?
You were to complete the production quantities as directed by the Production Order.
2 Then do a stock entry purpose Material Issue (for under production) or Material Receipt (for over production
You can add custom fields for Production Order and capture which Production Order the entry is correcting.
Then when you run a report on the Production Orders, if you can pull all these entries, it should give you a sense of what is happening.
For the more elegant solution, let me try and get a sense of what are the variables of production that lead to under or over production:
Raw Material Batch or Serial Number or Supplier
Tool or Die that is used
Other parameters - Machine Breakdown, Power cut or fluctuation, etc.
If this doesn’t work and you want an elegant solution right away, please say so. A lot of my clients do under/over production. It’s just that they have not reached your level of sophistication in tracking production orders on ERPNext yet.
Apologies I didn’t address the under production. However, if you have used a BoM and transfered the BoM quantity for production and still come up short (or over), not sure of the implications from a raw material planning and consumption perspective about how to allow this.
Maybe if you don’t associate the Production Order with a BoM, you maybe able to do all of this. I will do a quick pilot and let you know by Monday.
We are keeping things very simple and are not using operations, timesheets etc.
We manufacture U-bolts. The raw bar comes in 3 meter legnths. We have the UOM as meters. Each u-bolt will use a different length of bar. So the length of bar for U-bolt size 1 is 0.125 meters
If we need to make 100 the guys will take 12 meters (4 lengths) off the shelf and that will make 96 ubolts. Not worth the time and effort to get another bar, and as these are jut for stock, then actual number manufactured is not too critical.
SO ithought, no problem, when we “Finish” the job we can say we made 96 and ERP will sort out the stocks etc. This works for under - but the production order is left in the “open” state. Even if we change the status to “stopped” it still says “open” on some reports
And of course we cannot over produce
But with your ideas, what we will do for now is actually “finish” the job with the correct number (100) then make a stock entry of -4 of the finish product with notes as to why. Raw materials stocks will be slightly out, but not worth to much hassle as with our processes they are never perfect anyway
At least then we can mark production as “Finished” and clear it off the system
We use ERPNext for food industry. It is understandable for our opperations to have gain or loss in the amount of finished goods we end up with, even with the “same amount” of raw materials consumed (we can have net weight variations, operation losses, etc). We do work with BOM’s.
For us, the best way to address this would be to be able to modify the output number in the manufacture stock entry. This way, costs will be assigned correctly to each piece of finished goods.
If we make manual adjustments: the manually added items will wave 0 cost and the “manufactures” items will not reflect the actual gains or losses in its cost.
I think this issue should be common to most “manufacturing” users. I hope on the new version it can be sorted out.
I’ve seen that a new option has been created in the Manufacturing Seettings: "Overproduction Percentage For Work Order.
It sounds as if it is the solution we need. But I’ve played around by putting some values on that field and creating/finishing Work orders and it seems like there is no effect.