Manufacturing Module Volunteers Meeting Schedule

Greetings to all Manufacturing Module volunteers! Other teams have been conducting initial meetings already on how they are going to approach their Modules. I would like that we will also have our first scheduled meeting on Monday, 10AM - 11AM UTC.

The initial Agenda will be the ff:

  1. Self Introduction
  2. Meeting Schedule
  3. Communication Platform
  4. Roadmap

Please comment down below if you have any other additional suggested Agenda. We have our exclusive channel on gitter here erpnextmanufacturing/Lobby - Gitter if you guys have any quick questions. Also, we would like to invite more volunteers and help improve our current Manufacture Module! Here are the list of the current volunteers:

Design / Requirements

Dominik Ottenbreit @dominik
Abderrahim @Abderrahim
Hector Trejo @hectortm
Suhendri Wijaya @hokgt
Jay Ram @JayRam


Kanchan Chauhan @KanchanChauhan




Hi @creamdory, why donā€™t we discuss the communication platform in this thread? Then we can use the platform for the first meeting.

Hello Doridel

It is OK for me. I confirm my participation.

I do not have problem using WhatsApp or telegram for a more ā€œonlineā€ communications if all team wants. Gitter is also fine for me (not very online).

Lets see next monday

Have a great day



En 16 de noviembre de 2017 1:48 AM, en 1:48 AM, Doridel Cahanap escribiĆ³:

@creamdory Thanks for initiative.
Can you add date and tools to use for conference call?
You can ask foundation for gotomeeting link, or you can use Jitsi Meet

Hi @hokgt! Yes Thank you . :slight_smile:

Hi @hectortm! Thanks for the confirmation! That is what I thought so that most of us are not always online on Gitter. We can have Whatsapp or Telegram. Iā€™ll create a group. Please PM your username/number with me so I can add you guys :slight_smile: Thanks!

Hi @kolate_sambhaji! Thanks for preparing for this tool. Yes I will ask the foundation for gotomeeting link if they can provide or we can use this link that you have provided. Iā€™ll update this thread once I have finalized within the day. Thanks again!

Hi all! Let us use Telegram as our official communication tool. Pls PM me your numbers and Iā€™ll add you in the group. Thanks!

Hi All! Letā€™s use this link Jitsi Meet privided by @kolate_sambhaji for our meeting today at 10-11AM UTC as we have not provided gotomeeting link for today. See you guys around! :slight_smile: