MariaDB back to local

I tried to connect to remote mariadb host. But then cancel it.
I delete the mariadb-host entry in common_site_config.json, and comment the bind-address.

But when opening the desk, when trying to go to #List always get popup:

Page List not found

The resource you are looking for is not available

So I can’t open any form/doctype now.
Tried clear-cache, build, and migrate but still the same.

What is the proper way to reconnect back to local mariadb?
Thank you.

Something else is going on. There is no valid syntax for comments in JSON. Can you connect to the local db with mysql -u root -p? Is this the same database as when you connect with bench mariadb?

Yes I can

But how do I know which db I connect to? I mean is there any way to know which IP I connect to?

mysql -u user -p -h hostOrIp --port thePort