MariaDB error when Install in Centos 7

Hi Everyone, i have trouble while install frappe on centos 7
after command
$ sudo python install .py develop

& error notif like this
$ TASK [mariadb : Set root Password] *********************************************************************************************************************************************
failed: [localhost] (item=localhost) => {“changed”: false, “item”: “localhost”, “msg”: “unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or /root/.my.cnf has the credentials. Exception message: (1044, "Access denied for user ‘root’@‘localhost’ to database ‘mysql’")”}
failed: [localhost] (item= => {“changed”: false, “item”: “”, “msg”: “unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or /root/.my.cnf has the credentials. Exception message: (1044, "Access denied for user ‘root’@‘localhost’ to database ‘mysql’")”}
failed: [localhost] (item=::1) => {“changed”: false, “item”: “::1”, “msg”: “unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or /root/.my.cnf has the credentials. Exception message: (1044, "Access denied for user ‘root’@‘localhost’ to database ‘mysql’")”}
to retry, use: --limit @/tmp/.bench/playbooks/site.retry

something is not quite right with that command I believe.

What do you want to achieve with the develop at the end? Not to setup production capabilities (would be achieved by not adding --production flag), or getting the develop branch of frappe & erpnext?

I mean making a production environment as well as developing env.
i get from this way GitHub - frappe/bench: CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps