Menu options are missing for some doctypes


Menu options are missing for certain Doc Types like BOM for some users. This user is a user with manufacturing, stock and purchase access. When the user clicks on the three dotted menu icon in Doc type “BOM”, the menu dropdown doesn’t show up with any options.

See screenshot:

How can I enable the menu for certain users?

Q2: The “Connections” block for any doc type is also not showing to this user. How to enable that for that user?

Any body has any idea on how to resolve this issue?


Could you check F12 (keyboard shortcut key to open debug console view) in your browser ?

I have a problem on develop (version-14), when label to show into “…” have ’ (simple quote) in it.

What ever is the problem the browser console debug view will give you clue on what is the root problem. To solve it , may be a “bench update” on your erpnext server and “systemctl restart supervisor.service”. Not sure, depends on what information debug console will give you.

I have version 13.2 and 13.26 installed on separate machines and I see the same problem for that user on both machines. It looks like a permission thing may be? I am not sure. Also the debug console didn’t help much.

You need to tick Employee Self Service in order to see this missing menu option.

Thanks; i had the same issue and selecting ESS or Employee solves this issue. However, is there any way we can do this without selecting ESS/Employee role? e.g. what if we have an outsourced accountant so we only need to select “Account User” role for him and dont want ESS / Employee access.