Message Encryption key is invalid!

When I am restore the backup file of my local server into production server is completed successfully, but when I try to create a User on the web interface of Frappe ERPNext, The below error msg shows when I Create a User on the “User” screen,.
Can any please help with to solve this error as "asap"..

#### Message

Encryption key is invalid! Please check site_config.json
If you have recently restored the site you may need to copy the site config contaning original Encryption Key.
Please visit for more information.


You need to copy the Encryption Key from your local server site_config file to Production server site_config File.


Divyesh Mangroliya

@mangroliya Thanks for your reply. But, After copy and paste my old encryption_key to my new server also, I am getting the above same error,.

Please help me to solve this error,  Now, I am workong on it,.
Please help me as ASAP..


After updating site_config.json, did you restarted the server?

Try to restart using following command:

sudo supervisorctl restart all


Divyesh M.

@mangroliya Thank you again, Again the same encryption_key error showns,.
I tried sudo supervisorctl restart all cmd also, but the same error occurs,.

What should I do next to solve the error?..

Thank You,