Missing DocType Holiday List in the user interface


I cannot find find a way to access the holiday list although erpnext/hr/doctype/holiday_list is available on the server.
Does anybody have an idea what I am missing?
I am using the administrator account.


Hi @hfrk,

You need to search holiday instead of holiday_list, for more details see below link

Hi rohit_w,

your link does not help.
For some reason I do not understand there is no way I can access the holiday stuff using the web interface.
Somehow it is disabled in my installation but I cannot figure out how.


Are you sure you have permissions set to view the Holiday doctype?

For the administrator all roles and all modules are activated.
What kind of permissions do I need to set?

There were some falty updates on v14 which made the holiday lists dissapear somehow and then it appeard aggain on the next update… strange.