Module icon to desktop not getting added

I have made a new module named “File” and would like to display an icon of it on the desktop.
I added the below lines to the file:

    "module_name": "File",
    "color": "#f39c12",
    "icon": "octicon octicon-book",
    "type": "module"

The name ‘File’ is also coming in my modules.txt file.

But whenever I click on the ‘Set Desktop Icons’, the name ‘File’ is not coming.

The module must have visible elements (doctypes) to be shown.

I am struggling for days now

, not able to take my module on my desk, let me explain what i have done

created a new app, a new module within it, and create doctypes but then run bench migrate command but it is not showing on the desk.

also edit in the within my app/config folder

-- coding: utf-8 --

from future import unicode_literals
from frappe import _

def get_data():
return [
“module_name”: “ShippmentService-abc”,
“color”: “#1abc9c”,
“icon”: “octicon octicon-tag”,
“type”: “module”,
“label”: _(“ShippmentService_abc”),
“description”:“My Logistic Service.”

		"module_name": "testModule",
		"color": "#1abc9c",
		"icon": "octicon octicon-tag",
		"type": "module",
		"label": _("testModule"),
		"description":"desk top icons test run."


then add my module file that is with below code
from future import unicode_literals
from frappe import _

def get_data():
return [

“label”: _(“ShippmentService_abc”),
“icon”: “fa fa-star”,
“items”: [
“type”: “doctype”,
“name”: “invoice management”,
“description”: _(“invoice management master.”),
“onboard”: 1,

I don’t know to show my module on desk i have tried many things but no luck.


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