I have created function to send monthly email notification and It is triggered by sheduler events
My code
import frappe
from frappe.utils import nowdate, getdate
class RentPayment:
def send_rent_reminders():
today = getdate(nowdate())
current_month = today.strftime("%B")
current_year = today.strftime("%Y")
# Query unpaid rent records for the current month
unpaid_rent_records = frappe.get_all("Rent Payment",
"month": current_month,
"status": "Unpaid"
fields=["name", "tenant", "email_id", "payment_amount", "payment_date", "contract_details"]
records_to_notify = []
# Loop through unpaid records and check linked Contract Details for notifications
for rent in unpaid_rent_records:
contract_details = rent.get("contract_details")
# Fetch the notify field from Contract Details
if contract_details:
contract = frappe.get_doc("Contract Details", contract_details)
# Only notify if the contract has notifications enabled
if contract.notify:
# Loop through filtered records and send email reminders
for rent in records_to_notify:
tenant = rent.get("tenant")
email = rent.get("email_id")
amount = rent.get("payment_amount")
shop = rent.get("shop") # Assuming shop is also fetched if needed
if not email or "@" not in email:
frappe.log_error(f"Invalid email for tenant {tenant}: {email}", "Email Validation Error")
subject = f"Rent Payment Reminder for {shop} - {current_month} {current_year}"
message = f"Dear {tenant},<br><br>"
message += f"This is a reminder that your rent of {amount} is due for the month of {current_month} {current_year}."
message += "<br>Please make the payment at your earliest convenience.<br><br>Thank you!"
frappe.sendmail(recipients=email, subject=subject, message=message)
frappe.logger().info(f"Sent rent reminder to {tenant} at {email}")
except Exception as e:
frappe.log_error(f"Failed to send email to {tenant} at {email}: {str(e)}", "Email Sending Error")
In hooks.py file i have creaed shedular event
scheduler_events = {
“monthly”: [
When i was testing this in console
i got some error
then i used bench migrate command
after migrate my payment doctype is deleted i can’t see in doctype list
it is autometically deleted from there
I also check emai accounts
And during testing accounts emaill were sending successfully
But using sheduler events i did’t get single email