The documentation doesnt tell us a lot of things and I tried it and nothing works.
I tried on vm and I also tried on real production server. Authentification is good but nothing appear in erpnext.
So, how are the items sync betwee erpnext and wordpress. I understand that new order from woocommerce create new products on erpnext? It will generate a sales order? Is there way to assign a item idea for existing products?
What about clients? Inventory level?
i have the same problem… i waited this integration many many weeks, finally it arrived but it doesnt work…
i connected api, secret, endpoint and everything, click save, nothing happens…
test order, nothing happens …
i dont even know what to expect …
will this integration fetch my products from woocommerce to erpnext ?
will there be a sales order ?
will i see customer info somewhere ?
will it update stock at least on erpnext side ? please somebody inform us