Multi-company behaviour in v5

Continuing the discussion from Multi-company operations:

Hi, we would like to know the current status for dealing with multiple companies. The are several use cases possible, for example a logistic company that manages the logistic for third companies. This may include reception of the order, delivery and also billing on the behalf of third parties.

A multi-tenant setup would be inefficient as the Warehouses and Stocks would be centralized.

Also a question is if there is possible to add users to the third parties that can access only their Stocks.

On an even simpler level - how is it possible to switch back and forth between 2 company defaults, without changing the global setting, which I believe would affect all users? An example of this is in the POS. Am I missing something? Same behaviour in V7.

I am thinking that the user settings should have a default company, so that it could be changed for 1 user only?

On an even simpler level - how is it possible to
switch back and forth between 2 company defaults, without changing the
global setting, which I believe would affect all users? An example of
this is in the POS. Am I missing something? Same behaviour in V7.

You should setup two difference Point of Sale Profile for each Company and User.

I am thinking that the user settings should have a default company, so that it could be changed for 1 user only?

Using User Permission, you can set default Value for the Company field. However, if allowed, user can switch company while creating transactions.

I have created a different POS profile for each company and user. I can’t figure out what to do next.

I can’t figure out how to do this, in the POS.