I was about to suggest the same… Why not use the exchange rates!!! Because Angola was /is not part of the exchange rates site i had to get the rates locally (bank) and added a field rate… This way I can always know what was the rate when doing the payment or purchase.
Assuming the local currency as the main and that sellings cannot be done in foreign currency… Just use the rate field as info.
customer can pay in any currency and invoice against that customer is also accept the multi currency
while Payment or jornal entery aginst that process will stop u
so the invoice u cant make it as a payemnt with multicurrency
lets say an example.
. Customer A buy an Item and got an sales invoice = 100 us
now make a payment against that invoice with the 100 us.
Customer A again need an item but will pay 100 euro so sales invoice = 100 euro
now make a payment against that invoice .
The system will stop u and telling u that because this customer is process formaly with US dollar
account.so must all his transaction be in US dollar.
so how to solve that problem.
its not logic to create
a multy currency account for same customer
Customer A dollar ---- invoiceus ---- payment us
Customer A euro ----- invoice euro---- payment euro
Customer A KWN ---- invoice kwn----- payment kwn