Multi Selet filter in a script report doesn't list all the values from the dataset

Hello, I have a script report with the filters defined as in the attached picture. I am expecting the Employee Multi Select filter to show the list of all the employees with the option of choosing one or more. The filtering operation itself is working fine. But the list in the drop down is incomplete. It shows only a few employees where as I have more than 100 employees in the system. I am not sure why frappe.db.get_link_options is not working correctly. Am I using it correctly?

MultiSelectList provides a search option, so if there are more than 100 employees, it will show a limited list, allowing easy search.

Yes, that is known. But in my case, the list shows only a few items and the search option searches only within that list. It is not able to find any other value. Is frappe.db.get_link_options the correct way to populate the multi select?

If I am using the correct code as shown in the image, are there any logs to check what it is actually doing?

What else can I try?

Yes, please check the example!

I have seen all thes examples already! After looking at all the examples and spending more than 2 days, I created this ticket. And, all the examples point to codes that are written in python files and JS files in the repository. In my case, I am writing the code in the UI itself. I am not sure if there is any difference.

The end result is, it is not working as expected!

Hi Nihantra Patel

Any more update on this? As mentioned, I am writing my server and client script in the UI itself and NOT in the py and js files. I am not even sure how to debug this issue. Any help would be great!


We have more than a thousand customers on site, but when I search in the report, it works properly, I don’t know where you are coming from.

Hi Nihantra Patel

I am not understanding your answer. Are you saying you have a report with multiselect filter where thousand customer names are coming correctly? Please clarify

Is there an example report where the scripts are written in the UI itself, with a multiselect filter?

K. Ramesh

Yes, Only ten will appear in the list, but when you search, the results will also appear accordingly.

Reference already provided in above post.

Hi Nihantra

Sorry to be a pain here. But as mentioned earlier, none of the posts are exactly same as what I am doing. I don’t have a custom app and I am not writing any code in the file. I use the Create Report UI to add my code. I am not sure if there is any difference between writing the code in the UI and writing the code in python files in a custom app.

I shared a screen shot of how the filters are coded in the client script area. Is that code correct or is there any problem with that? Is there any other way or any other function (ex: frappe.db.get_all) that I can use instead of get_link_options? Please help

Hello Nihantra, any other update on this? This issue still persists …

I have already provided a lot of references and I understand what you mean, but your request is beyond my current understanding.