Multi Serial Numbers as Print

Dear All I am pretty stuck right now, and I am in serious need of help in deployment
basically I have done the raw printing and I am able to print the serial numbers with barcodes using raw printing support

the main issue is we are a garment manufacturer, and it is not possible to generate each print each serial number like this.
What I want is either click multiple serial numbers in view and click print then it would print or else when I am manufacturing the clothes then when the pop up says serial numbers generate it would have some option to print or in item, there would be an option to print serial numbers which are not used until now, i mean products are not sold, I can add a loop using Jinja but the issue is i am quite new !

Basically I want that as soon as clothes are manufactured, unique serial numbers are already being generated we will add them to clothes which will help us in using serialized inventory and as soon as POS/Inovice will sell we will get to know that the which product was sold to whom

@Muzzammil_Hussain, like you mentioned Jinja Loop is your friend here.

we have implemented it for a Garment Manufacturer too…

try to learn loops jinja… its quite begginer friendly. This link might help: Jinja2 Explained in 5 Minutes!. (Part 4: Back-end Web Framework: Flask) | by Diva Dugar | codeburst

BTW, good job on writing the print format for single label… I guess you should find adding a loop to it simple enough.

Thanks , but the issue is for using a loop i need data in multiple but currently the serial number form doesnt have an option for multiple , moreover there is no other place which shows the multiple serial numbers which are present ,is there any way by which I can show available serial numbers in item ?
Regarding this "we have implemented it for a Garment Manufacturer too… " can you please just guide me how you did that? I would make it like that I am struck on idea.

I have two possible solutions

  1. Click on Item , Create custom format for printing , get the total serial numbers which are unsold yet (like customer field is empty) and click print and the printer will start printing i can write a loop in JinJa in need help how to access that data
  2. Click on Serial Number and add a new option as print , as soon as print is selected it would ask for a product name as soon as the product name is given the same loop starts printing again ,
    now i need help in both cases , how i can get/access the data for printing

or by this

Hey! @Muzzammil_Hussain, have you been able to solve this issue? If so, how did u do?

{% set serial_ids_list = row.serial_no.split("\n") %}
         {% for obj in serial_ids_list %}

I want my serial number range to display in the invoice since displaying all the serial numbers eats up all the space in the print.

For example - instead of displaying each and every serial number, I want the range selected which would be like this - WD/0001 - WD/0008

can be done