Hi everyone, just been searching through the forum but cannot find an answer, is there any implementation for selecting multiple items from a list inside a popup dialog, and on accepting (OK) populate a child table. A functionality like clicking “Get items form BOM” in material request we get a popup, but would like the popup to have a list of customer profile, so user can select one or many items and then populate a child table. Does this come out of the box. Read an old thread How to enable multiple select in a drop-down field?.
Did some more search and I think I can use frappe dialog and add some html for rows to make up a grid so I can populate from the db and add some code for multi-select. Not sure if this is the right approach? I am open to suggestions. Thanks
edit: Dialogs Types
Check out Custom Dialog:
- Build a custom dialog with multiple check boxes
- Try Selectize or select2 js libs
- You need to handle storing the data on your own with multi select
- Multi-select will either need a child/table or field for:json/csv
Thanks revant_one I will check it out and post again
The requirement now is a grid multi row selection, I guess the approach remain the same
Even I need grid with multiple row selection in dialogue box. Did you find anything?