Not so sure master branch stability would actually fix your problems.
You would still have times when the core system changes and a feature or function you use regularly is radically changed, removed completely, or just broken. This would be more specifically true when the core moves from one major version number to the next (like version 9 to version 10). In the current structure of the Frappe Cloud hosting, you would not be able to opt out of that move and that is when features or function changes will have the largest impact.
Unfortunately, that happens multiple times per year now.
I don’t think the Frappe Cloud support staff are up to the challenge of supporting stable version point yet. That takes man power that they may not have the funding to support at this time.
While I believe their concept is really great (hosting by the team that knows the product best), I just don’t think they are staffed yet to really take their hosted solution to the next level and compete with the other ERP players. Customers cannot tolerate the time lost to re-learning their system every time an update occurs. To them, time running their business is more valuable than the software they use and that presents a problem for Frappe Cloud Hosting.
In order to really make it work, they would need to change how they allocate their man power resources. It takes more people to support stable version points on a hosted platform. Maybe it means that they offer the current platform as the latest and greatest, but only as BETA version ,and then offer the very last version of the previous major version number as the stable option. Right now, that would be the last release of version 9 ERPNext.
In doing it this way, then a much smaller staff would be required to maintain the last stable cut of the last major version (for example v9). Once the BETA versions start version 11, then all v9 customers could be warned that in 30 days they will be upgraded to the last stable cut of v10. This would still keep everyone moving up the version chain, but doing it in stable steps.
There would still be those wanting to stay on the cutting edge. We need those users in order to keep improving the software as it moves forward, but it leave open the possibility of a stable source of hosting income by NOT alienating the customer that need more stability.
Anyway… just my thoughts. Believe me… I wish they had something better to offer in hosting, because maintaining it myself is costly and time consuming. I would prefer to be able to hand that off to the Frappe Cloud team. It just seems they are just not ready for that yet.