Multiple Submission of RFQ by Web User in Web Portal

First, I want to thank the house for your support. Everyone’s been amazing in here.

I would like to bring to the attention of the house what I have noticed about suppliers (web users) submitting RFQs multiple times even after the system user had already closed (submitted) the original supplier quotation. Because of this, the system pulls in each completed RFQ (now supplier quotation).

Perhaps it is bug-related or a system setting to make the system close the RFQ once it has been submitted by the supplier and make it impossible for re-submission.

I’m struggling with the same issue … The RFQ should close automatically and prevent all suppliers from submitting once the buying team has accepted (Submitted) a Supplier Quotation.

What’s the point of leaving RFQs dangling open for suppliers after SQTN is submitted & even after a Sales Order has been closed?

Also, how to prevent the supplier from submitting multiple SQTNs ??

Would anybody give us any advice about this?

We had done a customization to prevent such here. navari_rfq_opening/rfq_opening_process/rfq_opening_process/doctype/request_for_quotation/ at version-15 · navariltd/navari_rfq_opening · GitHub

The readme will be updated soon.

Frappe has resolved the issue on Frappe Cloud.