My Sales User cannot see any Addresses in the list

My Sales User cannot see any Addresses in the list even with no user permissions applied.

Any ideas why?

Please check whether Sales User have permissions of Address doctype or not through Role Permission Manager.
Refer following lonk for that -

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I thought is best to start from scratch to see where this goes wrong.

I started a new Role, assigned 3 doctypes, Lead, Address & Sales Order ( I had to add Sales Order just to get access to Address list )

Without any additional Role restrictions, the user sees all the leads, all the addresses.

I add a Territory = “Finland” User restriction, and Apply User Permissions to Lead doctype if Territory is permitted.

User sees only the leads = “Finland”, still sees all the addresses.

I Apply User Permissions to Address doctype if Lead is permitted.

User does not see the addresses of any leads, but sees all other non-lead addresses.

Shouldn’t the Lead permission pass through to the Lead’s Address?