My site seems to have an anonymous custom app which i don't know where to find it

I have been have facing this “modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘custom_app’” error on my site yet i don’t have any app with that name on my server. This error is only happenig when i want to assign anything to a user in the system

Can anyone help ?


Screenshot from 2024-08-09 18-33-21

@Simon_Muturi1 there is some customization or not from your side

i have added some custom apps but they are not related to the assigning

@Simon_Muturi1 Remove the custom_app from /frappe-bench/sites/apps.txt and /frappe-bench/sites/apps.json manually, and try again.

the app does not exist on either of this files

run these below commands
bench setup requirements
bench build
bench clear-cache
bench clear-website-cache
bench migrate