The series number gets shared among all Doc Types that use expression as naming rule, when it should not be shared at all. I think this is a bug. Has anyone encountered the same?
If I have this doctype:
Notice that they both use Expression as the naming rule and also the “format” method in setting the naming rule. The first one uses TD-{YYYY} as prefix and the other, SD-{YYYY}.
But when creating records for both doctypes, they use the same number in the #### part:
And even if I reset it to 0 (I did), and created a new record for 2 different DocTypes, it will still consume the common blank seed.
This is the first record created when I reset the seed to 0:
The naming rule format:REF.##### do not create a real prefix “REF” with a sequential index. All naming rule with format: use the same sequencial index.