Naming series disappeared

Adding naming series has been disappeared in erpnext after one week, Can some one please guide , its a bug or what ? currently i have verion 13

Hi @adil_usman1,

which doctype? can you elaborate on it and share the screenshot?
Even if there is a bug it won’t be solved because support for version 13 or older has been stopped.

For more information, please refer to the guidelines.

Thank You!

thanks for reply , Brother it’s on Sale Invoice , for example last week i have added naming series ACC-BILL-.YY.MM.- on sale invoice now it is disappeared , its not first time, it happen many times.

though we have created sale invoice previously with this naming series (ACC-BILL-.YY.MM.- )

Maybe, it’s not easy to delete the series from the Naming Series. I think it might be possible if someone with the right permissions does it.

no brother . Only i have rights